Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Rabbis Cat

This is a bit off topic I guess but I found it on the popular college website, where people send it ridiculous text messages they got from friends and family.  This did kind of remind me of the Rabbi’s Cat in a roundabout way that really doesn’t have much to do with the story at all.
I might be able to get away with saying that it’s a bit on the ridiculous side like how I’m sure the people would have probably viewed the Rabbis actions in the novel such as eating the non-kosher foods, drinking milk with them and all of that.  So too is this a pretty ridiculous text that someone would need to send but, I being less than a fan of cats, found it to be extraordinarily funny, a bit cruel yes but that’ll happen with a good joke.
I can’t say I cared particularly much for the book, while I did like the artistry quite a bit and the use of color the story line was at times a bit hard to follow.  Also I just have a general dislike for cats and also stories that are created around them.  Back to the drawings themselves though, I especially liked how the author kind of made things melt at the end and also making everything red for a few frames.  I find those techniques to be very interesting and help give a little extra to the stories. 


  1. I definitely thought the rabbi's actions were ridiculous and I thought you brought in that outside information the best way you could. I also didn't really care for the book, although some of it was interesting. However, much of it was in it's own way ridiculous. By the way, I love It's hilarious.

  2. Yeah the actions which the rabbi take in this are unbelievable and seem poorly written, in the fact that they make the characters unreal. This has been my least liked book that we have read so far, even though I like the art as well.
